There's a good reason why you won't see .htaccess files on the web; almost every If you don't see, you'll need to disable your operating system's invisible file If you are looking for a password-protected download facility (and much more, or not they accept cookies or any such malarkey, protecting your valuable server
To set it up, add these four lines to the .htaccess file of the directory being protected (two edits required): RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond 20 Aug 2011 3 Ways to Serve PDF Files using Htaccess Cookies, Headers, Rewrites. Inline Download Save As View PDF using selected mode ». Table of Contents [hide] Turn on the rewrite engine if its already on you dont need this You can set the cookie and do a full redirect of the URL to make sure cookie is available when PHP code runs: RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*fullsite=yes unfortuantly, you appear to want the speed of static served files while notably, that PHP script is running forever, so you'll need to restart apache if you change it, I think. If you had a particular cookie you can expect, then you can test for its 6 days ago You don't need to have a separate .htpasswd file for every .htaccess file. If you want all links to specific file types to launch as downloads, 15 Sep 2018 If the cookie is being set on your application server, then you can but bear in mind that you will also need to manually set the domain and 30 Sep 2016 Session cookies are not being destroyed when logout is clicked, Here's the .htaccess file contents: PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2. pass php_flag mbstring.encoding_translation off # Requires mod_expires to be enabled. from your webroot or otherwise protect them from being # downloaded.
17 Oct 2018 By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. With the help of the configuration file .htaccess, webmasters using PHP, yet still require a protected directory or file on their server can use .htaccess tricks to set up restricted areas. content to be shown in browsers and to be downloaded by users:. 14 Jun 2018 These types of files typically do not change between visits. So they do not need to be downloaded on every visit. Modern browsers are 13 Oct 2018 Visitors need a fresh copy of those on their computer, since CSS files When a person visits your site, their browser downloads these files and To achieve this you need you need to override what the browser is trying to do and let your This is easy to do with a simple code within your .htaccess file. .htaccess files are read on every request. Therefore, any changes to these files result in immediate effect, unlike the global settings, which require the server to 8 Mar 2019 WordPress uses cookies for login authentication, so the first step in Download a fresh copy of the default theme from WordPress theme You may want to delete .htaccess file in wp-admin directory as well if it exist. To do this, you need to login to your site using FTP and edit the wp-config.php file.
A .htaccess file is a simple text file with the name .htaccess. It is not a file extension like .html or .txt, as the entire file name is .htaccess. For more information on how to set up .htaccess files, visit Apache's website. Note: Make sure you create a .htaccess file using a plain text editor that doesn't use word wrap. Some editors (such The screen above will display the contents of your .htaccess file. Depending on what your goal is you can edit this file. Setting Up 301 Redirects. One of the most common reasons for editing this file is to redirect a web page or an entire site. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one link to another. I need a htaccess file to redirect visitors from the main domain to a subdomain, and also to redirect visitors from old pages now deleted, to their new counterparts (old pages are still showing up in Google). Below is an example of the sort of thing the htaccess file would need to do. What causes PHP pages to consistently download instead of running normally. Ask Question You need to configure apache so that it will start the php interpreter when a .php file is requested instead of just returning the file's contents. (from
In the example .htaccess file above, the require directory is not given inside a
Sometimes, changes to a .htaccess file, whether manually or via a tool with appropriate access, renders a WordPress site inoperable. It might be that all pages 404, or there is simply a white screen without errors, or you get redirected to weird places, or you have the inability to login. Whatever the case, for me, […]